Objectives & Functions

For effectiveness, every unit and department is saddled with various objectives which perform a number of functions to ensure smooth running of the Local Government

Efficient Management

One of the objectives of the administration is to ensure efficient management of legislature, executive and judicial matters/ affairs at the grass roots level.

Sustainable Development

To facilitate sustainable development and democratic values in Afijio Local Government

Peace & Security

The enhancement of peace and security of lives and property in all the nooks and crannies of Afijio Local Government.

Agriculture Promotion

As an agrarian community, this Government will focus on the promotion of various aspect of agricultural vis-à-vis creating an enabling environment for agro-based industries.

Boost Economy

To boost the economy of this Local Government in the area of trade, commence and investment by encouraging foreign private investors to partner with the Afijio Local Government.

Good health System

To make our health system preventive, accessible, affordable, promotive, rehabilitative, and curative.

Good Education

The engendering of a workable platform that will improve teaching-leaning process at the primary school level.